Change the Payment authority member

This section explains how to change the Payment authority member.

Procedure for Changing Payment authority member

When a payment authorization member is changed, the former payment authorization member will no longer have access to the Automated Payment Management screen from the time of the change.

Please note that if you have registered personal card information or other personal information in your payment card information.

1. Access the Payment settings screen

3. Understand the notes and click the “Select Member” button

Read the notes and check the boxes.
Click on the “Select Member” button as it becomes active.

4. Select new Payment authority member

5. Click the “Confirmation” button

6. Click the “Change” button

Please make sure that the settings are correct and click the “Change” button.

Upon completion of the change, an email will be sent to both the member who made the change and the newly authorized member.

That’s all for changing Payment authority members.