Change the number of licenses for a purchased plan

After purchasing a paid plan, it is possible to change the number of licenses you are using.

Changes can be made during the trial period while the trial period continues.
After the trial ends, payment will be based on the changed plan and number of licenses.
The fee for the change will be calculated and billed on the next payment date.

Change the number of licenses

1. Access the Service plan settings screen

2. Click on the “Change the number of licenses” button

*You must be on a paid plan.

3. Select the number of licenses

*Currently, the number cannot be changed below the number of registered members, YubiKeys, or PCs.

4. Click the “Confirmation” button

5. Click on the “Execute change the number of licenses” button

Please make sure that the settings are correct and click the “Execute change the number of licenses” button.

Click “OK” on the confirmation message.

That’s all for changing the number of licenses.