Delete a batch of PCs with CSV

How to batch delete multiple PCs in a CSV file.

  1. Click on "PC management" from the menu on the left side of the screen.
  2. Click on the "Batch delete PC" icon.
  3. Download the CSV file for batch deletion.
  4. Click the "Download" icon to download the CSV file for bulk deletion.
    Save the "pc_deletion.csv" file to any location.

  5. Open the "pc_deletion.csv" file and enter the PC ID (SID or UUID) of the PC you wish to delete.

  6. Select a CSV file.
  7. Click on the "Choose File" button.。
    Select the CSV file and click the "Open" button.
  8. When the file is selected, the CSV file name and the PC information to be deleted are displayed.
  9. If all is correct, click the "Delete" button.

That’s all for PC CSV batch deletion.